Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Days 2-3: Character profiles

I hadn't originally planned to tell anyone about this blog, but I did.  I was hoping that if people knew what I was working on it'd help motivate me to work, but I do get embarrassed about my writing, I admit.  Usually I'm pretty secretive that I'm even writing at all.  The response has already made me bashful.  Thank you everyone for your encouragement.  I hope you all like my blog.

Yesterday and today I have done a little work creating some character profiles.  It's easier for me to see if I've got both enough information and enough unique details to make a character feel real if I have it all written out, rather than writing from the seat of my pants.  I try to make sure I know how the character responds to stress, what their quirks and mannerisms are, and their histories.  I also write down the information on how I visualize them in my head: eye color, hair, distinguishing features.  I'm hoping to get more information about them hammered out than I will actually use because I want a firm grasp on who they are.  It will make everything much more consistent and (hopefully) believable.  Odds are, though, that I won't be including nearly as much information as I'll have about them in the novel.

I've also started reading Characters and Viewpoint by Orson Scott Card (author of the Ender's Game books).  I do feel like I'm pretty good at creating characters, but I really want to make sure I've got them down.  Hence the book.  The characters are easily one of the most important parts of a book, in my opinion, because their personality and characteristics usually determine where the plot goes.  You may want your main character to elope with someone, but realistically they might not do it if they're family-oriented and have a little sibling back home.  Plus, I've never carried through with a book who didn't have a character that  I could believe and root for.

One of my main characters is a little elusive for some reason.  I can't quick lock down how I envision him.  I think it is because nothing I've though up yet quite fits.  I've got enough, though for most of my other major characters, or at least enough to get started.  I'm getting antsy and really want to start writing, so I don't think I'll let myself wait much longer.  I don't want to get stuck in the planning because things are going to change as I go according to what feels right anyway.  I'm hoping that as soon as I'm comfortable with that one male character that I will feel ready to start.

Before I call it quits for the day, I'd like to acknowledge my grandmother.  She is a major reason why I have decided to start writing this.  Back when I was taking creative writing classes and writing short stories she gave me some of the best critiques as well as encouragements.  She was the one who made me feel like I have the potential to write this, and made me see what a waste it would be not to do something with my love for writing.  Thank you, Grandma.

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