Sunday, August 12, 2012

Trying to get back on track

It's been a while.  I kept trying to get back to work, but I couldn't.  I wasn't going to the NaNo group, and I certainly wasn't writing.  I was thinking a little about my story, though.  I am still going to do it.  I don't want this to be some passing dream that fades.  I just had other things going on in my life for a while, and somehow could not make myself write.  I would say I wanted to do it, but when it came down to sitting in front of my computer I couldn't come up with anything.

I'm working on it.  I went to a NaNo group on Wednesday, my first time since the very end of May.  Today I skimmed through some notes so I could start writing.  I wrote a little, but then something strange happened.  It's almost like my writing muse started tugging on me and telling me, "Alright, get back to it."  I had such a crazy idea.  I don't know how I didn't think of it before!  It just makes sense this way, as though my story was showing me how everything really unfolds.  It doesn't change much in practice--I will only have to rework a few sections--but it will add an entirely new level to everything.  It adds a new sense of motivation to why my characters might act a certain way, and creates more connections between a few events in my plot...but best of all, it ties everything together so much better.  Also, it is exactly what I needed to get excited about this again.

I am kind of sad I let both NaNoWriMo summer events pass me by.  Technically the August one is still under way, but there is no way I'd be able to catch up in time.  The official one will be in November, but I don't want to wait that long.  I need to write while I've finally got my motivation back.

Total Word Count: 8,077

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