Monday, October 1, 2012

Breaking Bad and other writing assignments

Dexter has made way for Breaking Bad.  I wish I could say it's some joke, but as soon as I caught up with one distraction, Jordan and I launched head first into another.  We've gotten more than half way through the fourth season since I last wrote.  I think I just have to accept that I'll always have these distractions and just find a way to write despite them.

I also spent a decent chunk of time since my last post working on a submission for a developmental psych conference.  I was working on an entirely different sort of writing, and then when I emailed it to some of the professors/co-authors, one of them completely schooled me.  She reworked the entire thing (which, I hear, she often does).  Really, it is a great thing.  She knows what the panels will be looking for and how to give the abstract the best chance of getting accepted.  I'm flabbergasted I can list these professors as my co-authors.  At least if I ever finish my novel I won't be as shocked if it needs heavy editing.

I have recently started dedicating myself to half an hour of writing in the mornings, before I do much else.  It kind of gets my mind going for the day.  Plus, I'm starting to realize I'm going to be shorter on time to write, so I need to write when I can.  I've got to GOT TO prepare for a GRE I'm taking later this month.  During that time, I'd love to (but won't count on) write at least 800 words a day to warm me up for NaNoWriMo in November which would simultaneously get me to the 40,000 word goal I'd love to hit by Oct.31.  If I can somehow manage that AND win NaNo (seriously, who put NaNo in the month with Thanksgiving traveling?) I'll have 90,000 words.  Looking at my current word count, I know I've got to get more serious.

Hey, I have written 12,000 words in a day before.  Not the best writing, mind you, but I'm not looking for polished either.

I'm somewhat still using my strategy of writing out parts of conversations and then typing them up later.  I started with maybe 175 words of dialogue which, when I started typing it out, transformed into just over a thousand words when as I expanded it and fleshed out the scene.  Not bad.

I feel like I'm on a roll.  I'm going to try to write a little more.

Total word count:  16,068 (17.8% of my goal)


  1. I've come to look at writing the same way that I look at drawing -- some simple, broad lines to suggest direction and form, and then lots of increasingly-complex and detailed work to achieve definition...

    ...except that I write better than I draw.

    Whiiiiich ain't sayin' much.

  2. Haha, yeah, I guess that's me as well. It's easier to get the ideas out that way.
