Sunday, May 6, 2012

thank you, numbing lozenges

I was going to get a good chunk of writing done this weekend.  I did get some done, but not as much as I had hoped.  I've started coming down with a nasty cold.  I haven't been sick at all for about a year now, so I suppose I thought I had made it through the year unscathed.  It figures that I didn't make it.  When you work with toddlers you just can't escape it.

I did push myself, though.  I was afraid that if I didn't it would be too easy for me not to write tomorrow, or the next day.  I need to keep going, even if it is only a little bit at a time.  Sore throat be damned, I was going to write something.  Or else I only ended up writing because Jordan helped me pick out numbing throat lozenges... grateful as I am I'd like to think I would have written anyway.

I think I got past the tricky spot in the story.  The hangover comparison helped, or it at least satisfied me enough that I didn't feel too much nagging at me to fix it.  I've got something for now, and I'll fix it during future edits.  Right now I'm very much looking forward to my main character realizing something is completely wrong and starting to put the pieces together.  I've only just started that.  I won't need to be skipping scenes for a while.

My one concern now deals with my ending.  Luckily I've got a long way to go before I have to write it, so I can think about how I can make it better... but there isn't really any major way I can change it.  I've been discussing it with my writing buddy, and she agrees that there isn't really any other way to end it... but I want something happier.  It's a little more bittersweet than I wanted.  But hey, I've read other books with much sadder endings than mine, and I still loved them.  I'll just have to be super careful when I finally get to that stage of my novel.

I'd write more but my computer screen is giving me a headache.

words written today: ~1,100 words
total word count: 3,550 (1/25 of the way to 90,000!)

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