Thursday, May 17, 2012

Impending NaNoWriMo

Despite my last post's attempt to keep writing through my cold I was not able to keep it up.   The cold just would not die and on top of that I lost my voice for a good week and a half over it.  When I had the time to write I could not get myself to stay focused on the task.  I did do some writing yesterday, though, now that I am feeling almost better.

I'll be going to the outer banks in North Carolina this Sunday for a week.  I'm very much looking forward to it for obvious reasons (a break from work, time with friends and family, who doesn't like the beach?) but I'm also looking forward to having a full week without 40 hours to keep me from writing as much.  Yes, I do plan to make the most of walking on the beach, swimming in the ocean, and visiting light houses, but I'm not going to be outside enjoying the weather the whole time.  So, I am setting myself a goal that I hope is reasonable.  I am going to write 1,000 words a day.  I can probably do that in about an hour if I don't get caught up in editing myself as I go.

I have a couple reasons for wanting to do this.  I am completely intimidated about maintaining 1,667 words a day if I plan on doing the summer version of NaNoWriMo in June, so this would be a good warm up.  I hope.  On the other hand it could make me wear down on writing three weeks into June, before I can reach the 50,000-word goal.  We'll see.  I'm hoping this time off will help me develop the writing habits I will need to make 50,000 words possible for me.  Secondly, I would love to break 10,000 words before NaNo starts.  The way I see it, if I have 10,000 words beforehand and then add 50k to that, I will be 2/3 of the way to my goal.  I know that is a very tall order, but like everyone has been saying at my writing group (I went to another NaNo group last night) you just can't care about writing something that is polished.  It can be a pile of crap.  That is the point of editing... AFTER you finish the draft.  Luckily Jordan is 100% supportive of my writing, because if I do succeed in completing NaNo I'll be busy for 10 hours every work day.

 total word count: 4,500

... I can't help noticing how low my word count is for how far I am into the year and feel like I will need some sort of miracle to get through NaNo.

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